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The MPX combines different imaging techniques in one easy-to-use and portable device: non-linear MP (two-photon, SHG & THG) and widefield epi-fluorescence and fluorescence lifetime imaging to maximize informational content, ranging from single cells up to living animals.
The Incucyte® Organoid Assay uses an established protocol and purpose-built software, for continuous acquisition and objective analysis of organoid size, count and morphology in a microplate format all from inside your incubator.
The™ Automated Cell Culture System is an AI-driven cell culture innovation hub that gives your team total control over demanding cell culture feeding and passaging schedules—eliminating time in the lab while maintaining a 24/7 schedule for growing and scaling multiple stem cell lines, spheroids, or organoids.
X-Light V3 is the next generation of X-Light spinning disk confocal series. It relies on the cutting-edge technology, advanced optical design approach and engineering solutions developed by CrestOptics to meet the very high-end specifications required by most of the modern fluorescence microscopy applications.
Cytation 5 combines automated microscopy and conventional microplate detection in a configurable, upgradable platform.
Revolve is the world’s first and only hybrid microscope, combining four microscopes into one. This significantly reduces equipment costs while freeing up valuable laboratory space.
The Phenocycler platform can image organoids utilizing a straightforward sample preparation and standardized experimental protocol.
Confocal Microscopy Imaging Systems .Our game-changing Dragonfly systems provide fast and high-resolution imaging in multiple imaging modalities. Our new BC43 benchtop confocal microscope brings high-end confocal imaging within a compact benchtop format
Araceli Endeavor™ High content analysis, accelerated. Seen with automation.
Endeavor images everything in minutes. Accelerate discovery without compromising your results. Every cell. Every time.
Etaluma LS Microscopes Compact, high resolution, live cell imaging
THUNDER Imager 3D Cell Culture provides you with a solution for advanced 3D cell culture assays, whether you want to study stem cells, spheroids, or organoids.
ImageXpress® Confocal High-Content Imaging System as seen at the new Organoid Innovation Centre at Molecular Devices.
Light sheet microscopy for high-resolution 3D imaging of biological samples.
Measure Apoptosis in 3D Tumor Spheroids
Nanolive microscopes Swiss high-precision microscopes that look instantly inside label-free living cells in 3D
X-Line Organoid and 3D Imaging. Discover the real 3D shape of your sample.
Nanoindentation instruments that measure complex, irregular biomaterials such as single cells, tissues, hydrogels, and coatings.
High content microplate imaging. Our multimode microplate readers and high-content analysis systems, plus innovative reagents, provide you with highly sensitive solutions for 3D cell culture imaging and detection.
The Incucyte® Organoid Assay uses an established protocol and purpose-built software, for continuous acquisition and objective analysis of organoid size, count and morphology in a microplate format all from inside your incubator.
Label-free imaging and analysis of organoids or 3D cultures
Live imaging of large 3D samples like organoids, spheroids and model embryos utilizing light sheet microscopy technology
ZEISS Celldiscoverer 7 that combines widefield and confocal imaging modes. Single organoids were acquired at 20X magnification with image stacks spanning the complete organoid depth.
Vision4D is your modular software for working with multi-channel 2D, 3D and 4D images of almost unlimited size, highly scalable and independent of local system resources.
Organoid Counting algorithm examines organoids of varying shape and size using brightfield image analysis.
Open access: MOrgAna (Machine-learning based Organoids Analysis) to segment and analyse 2D multi-channel images of organoids
Applications and Analysis of Organoids including section on automated image analysis.
Modular, automated 3D cell culture and image analysis.
Nanolive microscopes Swiss high-precision microscopes that look instantly inside label-free living cells in 3D
OMERO handles all your images in a secure central repository. You can view, organize, analyze and share your data from anywhere you have internet access
Imaris Microscopy Image Analysis Software
High Throughput Analysis of Spheroid Killing via the Velocyt® Flow Cytometer.
Open now.
Fei K, Zhang J, Yuan J, Xiao P. Present Application and Perspectives of Organoid Imaging Technology. Bioengineering (Basel). 2022;9(3):121. Published 2022 Mar 16. doi:10.3390/bioengineering9030121
CrestOptics: Imaging X-Light V2. Published article in Nature on cerebellar organoids.
Open now.
THUNDER Imager 3D Cell Culture provides you with a solution for advanced 3D cell culture assays, whether you want to study stem cells, spheroids, or organoids. Read and download.
Overcome the boundaries of 3D live cell imaging. Register to download.
Organoid Analysis Guide.
eBook. Register to download.
Final Tickets released for World Organoid Research Day+ 2025!"