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AMSBIO offers a range of high quality, specialized products for your cell culture experiments. From primary cells and cell lines to 3D cell culture products and transfection reagents, our aim is to provide you with all of the tools you need to successfully perform your research, no matter how focused this may be.
Retinal organoids and RPEs from multiple species. In vitro, light responsive retinal organoid models for accurate predictions of in vivo outcomes you can have confidence in.
Can you use engineered or niche-specific growth factors to improve your organoid culture? Super Scientist flies in with easy fixes and questions to ask yourself – do you need to replace the conditioned media, explore new growth factor combinations, switch noggin and gremlin, or be bold and explore new engineered proteins.
Organoids for oncology drug development. Progress Oncology Drug Development with Organoids Developed using HUB Protocols
Cellesce, use proprietary technology to produce and manufacture a variety of Patient Derived Organoids (PDOs) for many applications and provide R and D services.
Retinal organoids and RPEs from multiple species. In vitro, light responsive retinal organoid models for accurate predictions of in vivo outcomes you can have confidence in.
Founded by the Hubrecht Institute.
HUB organoids provide innovative organoid models* biobank, services and assays.
*Derived directly from adult stem cell which are present in all epithelial organs.
3D printed mini tumours developed from patient-specific cancer stem cells, primary cells and established cell lines.
iPSC-derived intestinal organoids .OptiDIFF iPSC platform generates phenotypically relevant human cell models.
3dGRO™ PDO and iPSC Derived Organoids.
Lab-Grown Artificial Organ Technologies for Clinical and Research Applications
Prellis proprietary holographic printing technology to engineer lymph node organoids (LNOs™)
State-of-the-art stem cell technology to enhance translational research and expand the number of human organoid models available to support research in Australia.
Custom 3D services
Mouse hepatic, pancreatic and intestinal organoids as well as culture media, kits and labware.
The MPX combines different imaging techniques in one easy-to-use and portable device: non-linear MP (two-photon, SHG & THG) and widefield epi-fluorescence and fluorescence lifetime imaging to maximize informational content, ranging from single cells up to living animals.
The Velocyt enables high throughput analysis of spheroids, organoids, viable multicellular organisms and other large particles.
The Velocyt revolutionizes 3D cellular analysis by analyzing tens of thousands of organoids and spheroids per second while maintaining them in their preferred habitat of liquid cell culture media.
Organoids and spheroids are returned undiluted and unchanged allowing for subsequent analysis.
That means the types of high throughput screening campaigns normally associated with flow cytometry and single cell analysis can now be performed on 3D cellular models!
Complete range of iPSCs, reprogramming agents and primary cells to derive your own iPS cell lines. Bone marrow, adipose and placental-derived human mesenchymal stem cells, ideal for regenerative medicine, tissue engineering and basic stem cell biology.
The UK Stem Cell Bank distributes human embryonic stem cell lines, induced pluripotent stem cells and mouse embryonic fibroblasts to support scientific research and clinical development of stem cell therapies.
Production of large quantities of homogeneous cells requires precise orchestration of culture conditions, including the concentration, sequence and timing of growth factors and cytokines that regulate proliferation and differentiation. We are solving this problem with StemBeads® and DISC Devices. Find out more below.
Precision reprogrammed human iPSC-derived cells for research and drug discovery. Our foundational technology allows precise engineering of human cells with the consistency, scale and functionality.
Cell models including primary cells, media and reagents and cell services.
human iPSC-derived cells, media products and related contract services for life science discovery.
Global Network of Mammalian Cell Culture Experts
Stem Cell Isolation, Culture, Differentiation, and Characterization
Human & Animal Primary Cells
Human iPSC derives cells, kits and services
Manufacturers of the world’s first reported GMP iPSC bank, we have extensive experience in cGMP pluripotent stem cell generation and banking.
Human iPSC-derived cell models and iPSC services.
Human Mesenchymal Stem/Stromal Cells
Primary and Cultured Cells
Cell Line Development with intelligent tools and services.
AcceGen offers a wide range of high-quality human/animal stem cells
A variety of cell lines derived from humans and animals. Suitable for multiple scientific and education research purposes.
EBISC Newsletters.
The European Collection of Authenticated Cell Cultures (ECACC) maintains and supplies cell lines and their derivatives such as DNA, RNA and cDNA.
European Bank for Induced pluripotent Stem Cells (EBiSC) The first European bank for induced pluripotent stem cells
The Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells Initiative (HipSci) is generating a large, high-quality reference panel of human induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC) lines.
Tools for growth, harvesting & storage. AMSBIO is a leading provider of quality life science research reagents and services.
Next-Generation lead compound identification and optimisation with
Crown Bioscience
Get robust compound data in human tissue models through our OrganoServices. With proven phenotypic assays in the OrganoPlate® platform, we support your drug discovery and development needs.
Epistem offers validated in vitro 3D model(s) of normal liver tissue to investigate drug induced epithelial toxicity and regeneration.
Final Tickets released for World Organoid Research Day+ 2025!"